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69. Ajesh Jose, Benjamín Pérez-Estay, Shira Omer Bendori, Avigdor Eldar, Daniel B. Kearns, Gil Ariel and
Avraham Be’er, Immobility of isolated swarmer cells due to local liquid depletion, Communications Physics, accepted [open access].


68. Benjamin Sorkin, Gil Ariel and Tomer Markovich, Consistent expansion of the Langevin propagator with application to entropy production, J. Stat. Mech. 2025, 013208 (2025) [open access].


67. Benjamin Sorkin, Haim Diamant, Gil Ariel and Tomer Markovich, Second law of thermodynamics without Einstein relation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 267101 (2024) [arXiv].


66. Victor Yashunsky, Daniel J.G. Pearce, Gil Ariel and Avraham Be’er, Topological defects in multi-layered swarming bacteria, Soft Matter 20, 4237 (2024) [open access].


65. Vasco M. Worlitzer, Gil Ariel and Emanuel A. Lazar, Pair correlation function based on Voronoi topology, Phys. Rev. E 108, 064115  (2023) [arXiv].


64. Benjamin Sorkin, Haim Diamant and Gil Ariel, Universal Relation between Entropy and Kinetics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 147101 (2023) [arXiv].


63. Assaf Pertzelan, Gil Ariel and Moshe Kiflawi, Schooling of light reflecting fish, PLoS ONE 18, e0289026 (2023) [open access].


62. Benjamin Sorkin, Avraham Be’er, Haim Diamant and Gil Ariel, Detecting and characterizing phase transitions in active matter using entropy, Soft Matter 19, 5118 (2023) [arXiv].


61. Benjamin Sorkin, Joshua Ricouvier, Haim Diamant and Gil Ariel, Resolving entropy contributions in nonequilibrium transitions, Phys. Rev. E 107, 014138 (2023) [arXiv].


60. Gal Natan, Vasco M. Worlitzer, Gil Ariel and Avraham Be’er, Mixed-species bacterial swarms show an interplay of mixing and segregation across scales, Scientific Reports 12, 16500 (2022) [open access].


59. Assaf Pertzelan, Gil Ariel and Moshe Kiflawi, Light flashes and the geometry of specular fish schools, Journal of the Royal Society Interface 19, 20210906 (2022) [link].


58. Vasco M. Worlitzer, Ajesh Jose, Ilana Grinberg, Markus Bär, Sebastian Heidenreich, Avigdor Eldar, Gil Ariel and Avraham Be'er, Biophysical aspects underlying the swarm to biofilm transition, Science Advances 8, eabn8152 (2022) [open access] [online cover].


57. Ajesh Jose, Gil Ariel and Avraham Be’er, Physical characteristics of mixed-species swarming colonies, Phys. Rev. E 105, 064404 (2022) [arXiv].


56. Gil Ariel, Amir Ayali, Avraham Be’er and Daniel Knebel, Variability and heterogeneity in natural swarms: experiments and modeling. Active Matter 3, Advances in Theory, Models, and Applications. Bellomo, Degond and Tadmor (Eds.). Springer International Publishing, p. 1-33 (2022) [link] [request reprint].


55. Daniel Libman, Gil Ariel, Mary Schaps and Simi Haber, Mutual Information between Order Book Layers. Entropy 24, 343 (2022) [open access].


54. Vasco M. Worlitzer, Gil Ariel, Avraham Be’er, Holger Stark, Markus Bär and Sebastian Heidenreich. Turbulence-induced clustering in compressible active fluids. Soft Matter 17, 10447 (2021) [arXiv].


53. Gil Ariel and Yoram Louzoun, Self-driven criticality in a stochastic epidemic model, Phys. Rev. E 103, 062303 (2021) [arXiv].


52. Shlomit Peled, Shawn D. Ryan, Sebastian Heidenreich, Markus Baer, Gil Ariel and Avraham Be'er, Heterogeneous bacterial swarms with mixed lengths, Phys. Rev. E 103, 032413 (2021) [arXiv].


51. Daniel Knebel, Ciona Sha-ked, Noa Agmon, Gil Ariel and Amir Ayali, Collective motion as a distinct behavioural state of the individual, iScience 24, 102299 (2021) [open access].


50. Vasco Worlitzer, Gil Ariel, Avraham Be'er, Holger Stark, Markus Baer and Sebastian Heidenreich, Motility-Induced Clustering and meso-scale turbulence in active polar fluids, New J. Phys. 23, 033012 (2021). [open access].​


49. Gil Ariel and Haim Diamant, Inferring entropy from structure, Phys. Rev. E 102, 022110 (2020) [arXiv].​


48. Gil Ariel and Jeremy Schiff, Conservative, dissipative and super-diffusive behavior of a particle propelled in a regular flow, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 411, 132584 (2020) [arXiv].


47. Avraham Be'er, Bella Ilkanaiv, Renan Gross, Daniel B. Kearns, Sebastian Heidenreich, Markus Bar and Gil Ariel, A phase diagram for bacterial swarming, Communications Physics 3, 66 (2020) [open access].


46. Gil Ariel and Yoram Louzoun, Estimating differential entropy using recursive copula splitting, Entropy 22(2), 236 (2020) [open access].


45. Gal Netzer, Yuval Yarom and Gil Ariel, Heterogeneous populations in a network model of collective motion, Physica A 530, 121550 (2019) [pdf].


44. Avraham Be’er and Gil Ariel, A statistical physics view of swarming bacteria. Movement Ecology 7, 9 (2019) [open access link].


43. Daniel Knebel, Amir Ayali, Moshe Guershon and Gil Ariel, Intra- vs. inter-group variance in collective behavior, Science Advances 5, eaav0695 (2019) [open access].


42. Jonathan D. Partridge, Gil Ariel, Orly Schvartz, Rasika M. Harshey and Avraham Be’er, The 3D architecture of a bacterial swarm has implications for antibiotic tolerance, Scientific Reports 8, 15823 (2018) [open access].


41. Gil Ariel, Marina Sidortsov, Shawn D. Ryan, Sebastian Heidenreich, Markus Bär, and Avraham Be'er, Collective dynamics of two-dimensional swimming bacteria: Experiments and models, Phys. Rev. E 98, 032415 (2018) [pdf].


40. Gilad Book, Colin Ingham and Gil Ariel, Modeling Cooperating micro-organisms in antibiotic environment, PLos One 12: e0190037 (2017) [open access].


​39. Gil Ariel, Avraham Be'er and Andy Reynolds, A chaotic model for Levy walks in swarming bacteriaPhys. Rev. Lett., 118, 228102 (2017) [pdf].


38. Bella Ilkanaiv, Daniel B. Kearns, Gil Ariel and Avraham Be'er, Effect of cell aspect ratio on swarming bacteriaPhys. Rev. Lett., 118, 158002 (2017) [link].


37. Oren Rimer and Gil Ariel, Kinetic order-disorder transitions in a pause-and-go swarming model with memory, J. Theor. Biol. 419, 90–99 (2017) [pdf].


36. Guy Amichay, Gil Ariel and Amir Ayali, The effect of changing topography on the coordinated marching of locust nymphs. Peer J., 42:e2742 (2016) [open access].


35. Gil Ariel, Seong Jun Kim and Richard Tsai, Parareal methods for highly oscillatory ordinary differential equations. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 38, A3540-A3564 (2016) [arXiv].


34. Hilla Behar, Naama Brenner, Gil Ariel and Yoram Louzoun, Fluctuations-induced coexistence in public goods dynamics. Phys. Biol. 13, 056006 (2016) [pdf].


33. Shawn D. Ryan, Gil Ariel and Avraham Be'er, Anomalous fluctuations in the orientation and velocity of swarming bacteria. Biophysical J. 10, 247–255 (2016) [pdf].

32. Maurizio Porfiri and Gil Ariel, On effective temperature in network models of collective behavior. Chaos 26, 043109 (2016) [pdf].


31. Eshel Ben-Jacob, Alin Finkelstein, Gil Ariel and Colin Ingham, Multispecies swarms of social microorganisms as moving ecosystems. Trends in Microbiology 24, 257-269 (2016) [pdf].


30. Deborah Schwarcz, Herbert Levine, Eshel Ben-Jacob and Gil Ariel, Uniform modeling of bacterial colony patterns with varying nutrient and substrate. Physica D, 318-319, 91-99 (2016) [pdf].


29. Gil Ariel and Amir Ayali, Locust collective motion and its modeling. PLoS Comput. Biol. 11(12), e1004522 (2015) [open access link].


28. Gil Ariel, Amit Rabani, Sivan Benisty, Jonathan D. Partridge, Rasika M. Harshey and Avraham Be'er, Swarming bacteria migrate by Levy walk. Nature Commun. 6, 8396 (2015) [open access].


27. Sivan Benisty, Eshel Ben-Jacob, Gil Ariel and Avraham Be'er, Antibiotic-induced anomalous statistics of collective bacterial swarming. Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 018105 (2015) [pdf].


26. Gil Ariel, Oren Rimer and Eshel Ben-Jacob, Order–disorder phase transition in heterogeneous populations of self-propelled particles, J. Stat. Phys. 158, 579-588 (2015) [pdf].


25. Avraham Be'er, Sivan Benisty, Gil Ariel and Eshel Ben-Jacob, Interplay between sibling bacterial colonies, Chapter in "The Physical Basis of Bacterial Quorum Communication", Stephen J. Hagen ed., Springer, New York (2015) [pdf].


24. Gil Ariel, Yotam Ophir, Sagi Levi, Eshel Ben-Jacob and Amir Ayali, Individual pause-and-go motion is instrumental to the formation and maintenance of swarms of marching locust nymphs, PLoS ONE 9, e101636 (2014). 15 pages (+16 SI) [open access].


23. Gil Ariel, Bjorn Engquist, Seong Jun Kim and Richard Tsai, Iterated averaging for three-scale oscillatory systems, Commun. Math. Sci. 12 (5), 791-824 (2014) [report version].


22. Amit Rabani, Gil Ariel and Avraham Be'er, Collective motion of spherical bacteria, PLoS ONE 8 (12), e83760 (2013) [open access].


21. Gil Ariel, Adi Shklarsh, Oren Kalisman, Colin Ingham and Eshel Ben-Jacob, From organized internal traffic to collective navigation of bacterial swarms, New J. Phys. 15 125019 (2013) [open access].


20. Gil Ariel, Bjorn Engquist, Seong Jun Kim, Yoonsang Lee and Richard Tsai, Multiscale method for highly oscillatory dynamical systems using a Poincare map type technique, J. Sci. Comput. 54, 247-268 (2013) [pdf].


19. Gil Ariel, J.M. Sanz-Serna and Richard Tsai, Finding slow solutions of stiff mechanical systems, SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul. 10, 1180-1203 (2012) [pdf].


18. Adi Shklarsh, Alin Finkelshtein, Gil Ariel, Oren Kalisman, Colin Ingham and Eshel Ben-Jacob, Collective navigation of cargo carrying swarms, Interface Focus 6, 786-798 (2012) [open access].


17. Gil Ariel, Bjorn Engquist and Richard Tsai, Oscillatory systems with three separated time scales - analysis and computation, Chapter in "Numerical Analysis and Multiscale Computations", Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. Eng. 82, 23-45, Bjorn Engquist, Olof Runborg and Richard Tsai eds., Springer (2011) [pdf].


16. Adi Shklarsh, Gil Ariel, Elad Schneidman and Eshel Ben-Jacob, Smart swarms of bacteria-inspired agents with performance adaptable interactions, PLOS Comput. Biol. 7 1002177 (2011) [open access].


15. Gil Ariel, Bjorn Engquist, Nicolay M. Tanushev and Richard Tsai, Gaussian beam decomposition of high frequency wave fields using expectation-maximization, J. Comp. Phys. 230, 2303-2321 (2011) [pdf].


14. Avraham Be'er, Gil Ariel, Oren Kalisman, Yael Helman, Alexandra Sirota-Madi, H.P. Zhang, E.-L. Florin, Shelley M. Payne, Eshel Ben-Jacob and Harry L. Swinney, Lethal protein produced in response to competition between sibling bacterial colonies, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107, 6258-6263 (2010) [pdf] [SI].


13. Gil Ariel, Bjorn Engquist, Heinz-Otto Kreiss and Richard Tsai, Numerical methods for highly oscillatory ordinary differential equations, Chapter in Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 66, Bjorn Engquist, Per Lotstedt and Olof Runborg eds., Springer (2009) [pdf].


12. Gil Ariel, Bjorn Engquist and Richard Tsai, A reversible multiscale integration method, Comm. Math. Sci. 7, 595-610 (2009) [open access link].


11. Gil Ariel, Bjorn Engquist and Richard Tsai, A multiscale method for coupled oscillators, SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul. 7, 1387-1404 (2009) [pdf].


10. Gil Ariel and Eric Vanden-Eijnden, A strong limit theorem in the Kac-Zwanzig model, Nonlinearity 22, 145-162 (2009) [pdf].


9. Gil Ariel, Bjorn Engquist and Richard Tsai, A multiscale method for stiff ordinary differential equations with resonance, Math. Comp. 78, 929-956 (2009) [pdf].


8. Gil Ariel and Eric Vanden-Eijnden, Accelerated simulation of a heavy particle in a gas of elastic spheres, SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul. 7, 349-361 (2008) [pdf].


7. Gil Ariel and Eric Vanden-Eijnden, Testing transition state theory on Kac-Zwanzig model, J. Stat. Phys. 126, 43-73 (2007) [pdf].


6. Yoram Burak, Gil Ariel and David Andelman, Competition between condensation of monovalent and multivalent ions in DNA aggregation, Curr. Op. in Col. and Int. Sc. 9, 53-58 (2004) [arXiv].


5. Yoram Burak, Gil Ariel and David Andelman, Onset of DNA aggregation in presence of monovalent and multivalent counterions, Biophysical Journal 85, 2100-2110 (2003) [arXiv].


4. Gil Ariel and David Andelman, Persistence length of a strongly charged rodlike polyelectrolyte in the presence of salt, Phys. Rev. E 67, Art. 011805-011815 (2003) [arXiv].


3. Gil Ariel and David Andelman, Polyelectrolyte persistence length: attractive effect of counterion correlations and fluctuations, Europhysical Letters 61, 67-73 (2003) [arXiv].


2. Haim Diamant, Gil Ariel and David Andelman, Kinetics of surfactant adsorption: The free energy approach, Coll. and Surf. A: Physiochemical and engineering aspects 183-185, 259 (2001) [arXiv].


1. Gil Ariel, Haim Diamant and David Andelman, Kinetics of surfactant adsorption at fluid-fluid interfaces: Surfactant mixtures, Langmuir 15, 3574-3592 (1999) [arXiv].




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